Nutrition in Bend

Annie’s feature in EXPERTS ON NUTRITION IN BEND WEIGH IN – IS DIET A DIRTY WORD? by Selene Marketing

Annie is the owner Cascade Nutrition Consulting here in Bend. “We live in an active community,” Annie admits, “but sometimes our activity levels don’t balance out our diet choices.” For instance, beer drinking is also a big part of Central Oregon culture. She explains that adding a microbrew to your meal adds an extra 200 calories that many people aren’t even aware of, which is why it’s so important to keep track of both your activity level and what you’re fueling your body with post-workout.

As a dietician, Annie admits she’s had a recent rush of fad diet questions – everything from Whole30 to intermittent fasting. Rather than picking a fad diet or finding a specific list of rules around what you eat, Annie wants people to think instead of lifestyle changes that they can make indefinitely. Her goal is to help clients be healthy, not skinny.

Annie offers a range of services specialized to needs including diabetes, weight management, and heart health. She enjoys building relationships with each patient to help them navigate the struggles involved in making diet and lifestyle changes for long-lasting results. Cascade Nutrition Consulting is an In-Network Provider with most insurance plans.

Annie’s Quick Tip: Keep track of what you’re eating (and drinking!) when you go out and make sure it’s fueling your body.

Specializes in Working with: Clients newly diagnosed with diabetes and those focused on heart health and weight management.

Key Takeaway:  “What’s happening on the inside doesn’t always reflect what’s happening on the outside.”


POSTED BY admin | Oct, 09, 2018 |